Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Make up your face in 10 minutes effectively

holla girls!!!!

Make up is now an important aspect for both men and women, and women needs a little more. I( love to go to my college wearing make up, even though just lightly, that makes me think confident about my looks.
But many lack time for this because of their busy routine.lets see how you can make up your face easily.
  • wash your face with a face wash, and make it clean
  • put a moisturizer which suits your skin
  • put a compact or powder if needed.
  • use a eyebrow pencil to define your eyebrows, never stress, just shade with it.
  • Go for an eyeliner for define your upper eyelid and an eye definer for lower, i opt for Himalaya eye definer.
(try this cut eye lashes carefully, just tip. it will make your eyes look brighter, curl eyelashes)
  • put lip stick or lip gloss, i prefer lip gloss, as it will make your lips sweet looking =), use a lip balm before putting so that your lips will stay protected.
  • select ear rings carefully ,as they are the accessory that stay near to your face. earrings with pearl or stones will make your face look brighter.
  • perfumes: use a light smelling perfumes like dove for the day( for night go for erotic, musk fragrances......)
  • Try different hairstyles every day, and use a hairspray, if you are keeping your hair loose.
and of course tell me, if its good, waiting for your replies..... "stay gorgeous"

with love,

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