Monday, 14 May 2012

COLLAGEN TREATMENT-- At home (face pack)

After 30's Your skin looses its shine and glow of 20's and will get to have wrinkles, age spots, bagginess and other concerns. You may be trying anti aging serums,cream and all that. But the latest innovation in research on  anti aging  is COLLAGEN.

Lets see what is collagen:

COLLAGEN is a group of naturally occurring proteins found in animals, especially in the flesh and connective tissues of mammals. It is the main component of connective tissue, and is the most abundant protein in mammals,making up about 25% to 35% of the whole-body protein content.

This is the scientific version yet how is it related to anti aging?

In our teenage and late teenage we have a  lot of growth hormone in our body.  This promotes the growth of muscles and other organs both internal and external. Because collagen is the natural protein in our bodies, when we get into our mid twenties obviously the growth hormone diminishes and stops. The Collagen produced by the liver is used to promote healthy muscles and build existing muscles. 

 Thus when this collagen level is decreasing our muscles loose its credibility and strength. As time goes on it tuns to a limp of muscles. So to stop this we must increase our collagen level.Collagen supplements are there in market, but should be consulting a dermatologist before using it.


So lets do that at HOME

 Go and get:

  •  Dehydrating cleanser(optional)
  • Detoxifying exfoliation cream(optional) 
  • glycerin
  • grapes 
  • lemon juice
  • Vit E capsules
  • milk
  • ice
  • sunscreen lotion 
Dehydrating cleanser will be more good:Murad's moisture rich cleanser

 Detoxifying exfoliating cream:Vichy's

 Face pack:

Mash the grapes and add vitamin E capsules and glycerin. Mix well.Add 1 table spoon lemon juice and some milk.Mix well and good.

You should do:

Clean your face with the cleanser and  apply detoxifying exfoliating cream. Scrub the face and allow it there.Wipe with a tissue to remove dead cell, black heads and white heads. Put on the mask and leave for 20 minutes.Don't go more than that.When it is dry wipe it with a sponge. Massage with ice cubes after that.Do this regularly twice a week to get good results.

You should be very careful that while doing this treatment dont step out in the sun without a sunscreen.

While doing this treatment you should take in  multivitamin tablets. Eat 3 or 4 almonds a day. You can also Try oats+egg(both white and yolk)+honey (those with dry skin can add milk skin too) face pack to get glow and tighten your face.

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