Thursday, 3 November 2011


Its winter coming up with those 'hair falling-days' too. Hair will become dry, hair fall increases. But if you are going to count the fallen hairs it will increase your stress and hair fall too. So keep those worries away and lets go on with confidence.

The main causes of hair problems are
  • Lack of nutritious food
  • Vitamin A deficiency
  • Protein deficiency
  • Climate
  • Dandruff
  • Less care for hair
  • Side effects of some drugs.
( Ok, lets dont start with ' cut the edges of tablets there will be no side effects )

So here are some methods to stop those hair fall and keep your hair stay beautiful all winter.


This is recommended by high dieticians. Just buy some wheat from your grocery, and just put it ina a pot or something water it daily. When it grows all green, cut it and juice it. Drink it along with some lemon juice and salt.


Eat food containing vitamin a like leafy vegies like spinach,lettuce etc:- Or just have a vitamin A tablet. But before doing so take an advice of your dermatologist.


Eat proteinaceous food like egg white, legumes, fish. Never fry fish, it will lose its goodies. Never avoid dairy products like milk, curd etc:
Have a protein drink daily. An easy way to include protein to our daily diet if you dont like legumes is this. Have you heard of soya bean, not many like this, i know personally. So here is the way just powder it and put it in every dish you make, it has a neutral taste so your dish is not spoiled+ you will get your proteins.


I know its what your hear may be daily. But thats so vital. When its winter and cold you dont feel like drinking water, but never avoid it Otherwise your skin and hair  will be dry.


If you dont have dandruff then keep your hair clean so that it never attacks you. But if you have severe dandruff problem consult a doctor. Dandruff can cause severe hair fall. When it will just once in a while, do this dont go for those dandruff shampoos in my opinion. When you shampoo your hair its getting dry losing those natural oils. So use a mild shampoo which contains protein  
and clean your comb and brush clean. To get rid of dandruff to an extent take some neem leaves either grind it and mix with water or just put some neem leaves and boil water. Wash your hair with this once in a week. Its effective for me .

Here are some natural methods to avoid hair fall

Henna is a good method to keep hair fall away. Make a hair oil by putting mehandi powder in oil and warm it. It will keep your hair soft and head cool.

Using curry leaves too will do the same effect.

Use natural shampoo and conditionersto keep your hair moisturized.

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