Friday, 18 November 2011


Let me give you guys some quick tips for glowing skin. These tips are found effective for me, and hence you can do it safely.

Cleanse your face daily and scrub your face each 3rd day, so that no black or white heads stay on your face.

Take some atta ( the one with which we make chapathi) and mix it with milk or water. Apply it. This is mainly for oily skin, which absorbs excess oil.

Take some orange peels and dry it. Then powder it and keep it in refrigerator. Take a teaspoon and mix with water and apply daily before taking bath.

Have a table spoon of honey the first thing I the morning, this keeps your blood purified and face glow.

Egg white will helps your pores look small and tighten your face.

Oats+ milk will give a special glow on the face. 

Steaming your face will give an instant glow.

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